Sty (Stye)

Medically Reviewed on 12/11/2023

What is a sty (stye)?

Sty (Stye)
Styes occur when a gland in or on the eyelid becomes plugged or blocked.

A sty is a pimple-like bump that forms on or in the lower or upper eyelid as the result of a blocked gland. The word "sty" can also be spelled "stye."

There are two distinct types of styes: hordeolum and chalazion. Each has different causes and treatments.

  • A hordeolum is a blockage of one of the sweat glands found in the skin of the lid and base of the eyelashes, or one of the small sebaceous glands found at the base of the eyelashes. Sebaceous glands secrete sebum, a waxy, oily material.
  • A chalazion is a blockage of a meibomian gland, which is a special oil gland (sebaceous) unique to the eyelids. These glands form a single row in each lid, with the body of the gland located inside the eyelid, and the opening located at the rim of the lid, posterior to the lashes.

What causes a sty (stye)?

Styes occur when a gland in or on the eyelid becomes plugged or blocked. This can occur if the gland's opening is obstructed by scar tissue or a foreign substance (makeup, dust), or if there is a thickening of the substance produced by the gland, causing the material to flow sluggishly or not at all.

Are eye styes caused by stress?

Stress and lack of sleep can increase the risk of getting an eye stye by lowering immunity and making the body more susceptible to infection:

  • Stress can induce the production of stress hormones, such as norepinephrine. Norepinephrine gets converted into a substance called 3, 4-dihydroxymandelic acid, which can attract bacteria toward body parts susceptible to infection.
  • Stress can disrupt sleep patterns, and lack of sleep can lower the quantity of immune cells responsible for fighting infections.
  • Stress can make you feel fatigued, which can lead to poor eye hygiene such as not removing your makeup before bed or not washing your hands before touching your eyes.

Are styes contagious?

Styes are a local infection of the eyelids. They are not contagious, and in most cases, resolve without antibiotics. However, some styes may advance to significant eyelid infection.

What are the risk factors for a sty (stye)?

The most common risk factor is a sluggish outflow of the sebum from the meibomian glands, which is commonly seen in a chronic inflammatory condition called meibomian gland dysfunction (also commonly called meibomian gland disease, meibomitis, meibomianitis, or blepharitis).

Meibomian gland dysfunction is frequently associated with acne rosacea on the cheeks and nose but can also be seen alone.

Other risks include obstruction of the gland's opening by scar tissue following infections, burns, or trauma. If improperly washed away, foreign substances such as makeup and dust can also clog the gland's opening.

Factors that increase the risk of developing styes include:

  • Poor hygiene habits
    • Not removing eye makeup before sleep
    • Touching eyes without washing hands
    • Not disinfecting contact lenses or using infected contact lenses
    • Sharing cosmetics
    • Using expired cosmetics
    • Sharing clothes, face towels, or glasses with people who have styes
  • Hormonal changes
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Diabetes
  • Other conditions


The colored part of the eye that helps regulate the amount of light that enters is called the: See Answer

What are symptoms of a sty (stye)?

The symptoms of a stye include:

  • Foreign body sensation in the eye (particularly with blinking)
  • Eye pressure
  • A painful red bump, though often they are painless

There may also be blurred vision if thick sebum or pus from within the sty spreads over the eye's surface.

If chronic meibomian gland dysfunction is present, dry eye symptoms are common. This is because the meibomian glands secrete oil onto the surface of the eye to prevent the water layer of tears from evaporating too rapidly from the eye's surface between blinks. Therefore, poorly functioning meibomian glands can lead to dry eyes.

Signs of a sty include:

  • The presence of a lump or bump (like a pimple) on the edge of the eyelid
  • Redness of the skin overlying the eyelid bump
  • A swelling and puffy appearance of the eyelid

If the sty is draining material from the gland's opening, there may be thick discharge or crusty material accumulating on the lids and lashes. In some cases, the skin overlying the sty will become thinned and the thick material within the sty (pus) may ooze out through a break in the skin. Watery tears can also be produced in response to irritation and pain.

Styes can be external, meaning the blocked gland protrudes outward and appears as a visible swelling under the skin, or interior, in which the blocked gland protrudes behind or under the eyelid.

Which types of specialists diagnose and treat styes?

Healthcare providers, including pediatricians and emergency medicine physicians, often diagnose and treat eye problems. Eye specialists, including optometrists and ophthalmologists, are called upon to treat more advanced cases such as styes that appear infected or those that recur.

What tests diagnose styes?

The healthcare professional will examine the lids to locate the opening of the plugged gland. This helps to distinguish between a hordeolum and a chalazion. Also, the doctor will look for signs of scar tissue, foreign bodies, and underlying chronic meibomitis.

In addition, the doctor will look for any signs that the gland may have become infected. It is particularly important to identify infection that has spread from the gland to the eye, neighboring skin, or orbit.

What is the treatment for styes?

The most conservative treatment is the application of frequent warm (not too hot) compresses alone. This can be accomplished with a wet warm washcloth, microwaveable eye masks (sold at drugstores), or a plug-in electric heating pad. The key is to dedicate as much time as possible to treat with the warm compress. Several minutes at a time (for example, 15 minutes), several times a day (for example, four times per day) will improve the odds that the sty or chalazion will clear on its own. A child may need help applying the warm compress. Be sure to check the temperature of the compress against another part of your skin, such as the back of your hand, to ensure the compress does not burn your eye or face.

An ophthalmologist can inject a steroid into the lesion, often resulting in a speedier resolution. However, this carries a small risk of bleeding/bruising, depigmentation/thinning of the skin, scar, pain, and in very rare cases, loss of vision.

Finally, the chalazion can be incised and drained. This is the most invasive method and is reserved as a last resort by most eye doctors. The eyelid is anesthetized, and a clamp is placed around the chalazion. The eyelid is everted, and the meibomian gland is incised from the back surface of the eyelid, avoiding cutting the skin on the front surface. The waxy sebum is scooped out of the gland with a special curette. This debulking of the gland's contents may be sufficient to shrink the chalazion; however, there is a risk that the chalazion may recur, particularly if the underlying cause is not addressed.

If a sty appears infected, oral antibiotics may be necessary. An abscess can form in the eyelid. A culture of the material in the chalazion is sometimes obtained to identify the bacterium. Antibiotic treatment is particularly important if the bacterial infection is spreading along the skin (cellulitis) or spreading into the orbit (orbital cellulitis). Orbital cellulitis is considered an emergency, like a rapidly spreading infection that can be vision or life-threatening. Orbital cellulitis treatment usually requires intravenous antibiotics.

In some situations, the infection spreads to the eye itself. If conjunctivitis (pinkeye) develops, topical ophthalmic antibiotics (antibiotic ointments or drops) might be necessary.

Treatment of the underlying cause of the sty is also important to prevent a recurrence.

Some eye doctors will recommend not wearing contact lenses or eye makeup until the sty resolves. This is especially the case if there's concern about a concurrent infection.

What home remedies relieve pain from a sty (stye)?

The best home treatment to get rid of a stye is to apply a warm water compress as often as possible. It is important to remember that a chalazion may take months to resolve completely.

10 home remedies and treatments

Getting a stye can be a real annoyance; there are many ways to treat them at home:

  1. Warm compress: This is one of the most effective ways to deal with a stye because the warmth brings the pus to the surface. The warmth may also cause the punctum to open and pus to drain out naturally. It is usually recommended that individuals soak a clean cloth in warm water and hold it against the eye for 5-10 minutes, repeating three or four times a day.
  2. Clean the eyelids with soap and water: Mix water with a mild soap (tear-free baby shampoo is a good idea) and then use a cotton swab or washcloth to wipe off the eyelids with the mixture. This may be continued daily until the stye is gone. Cleaning the eyelids regularly may also prevent future styes.
  3. Warm tea bags: Individuals may also use a warm teabag such as black tea that has antibacterial properties. Just leave a tea bag in boiling water for a couple of minutes and allow it to cool down enough so that it may be placed on the eye for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Pre-moistened eyelid-cleansing pads: These are another option to clean the eyes. You can purchase these in many drugstores.
  5. Repeated splashing of the eyes with clean water: This may also help.
  6. Colloidal silver: Colloidal silver is known as one of the best anti-bacterial solutions to get rid of infections, skin burns, flu, and colds. This is even used as a treatment for a stye because it reduces the infection and heals the eye.
  7. Painkillers: Taking paracetamol or ibuprofen (not aspirin for someone under the age of 16 years) may help in reducing pain and swelling.
  8. Massaging: Encourage drainage by massaging the area using clean hands; this can help the stye drain, but one mustn’t do it if it hurts. Don't touch the eyes and keep the area clean once it drains.
  9. Antibiotic ointments: They may be applied inside the eyelids of the affected eyes. Make sure that the product may be used on the eyes and avoid topical steroids that can have negative consequences.
  10. Saline solution: Use a saline solution to irrigate the eyelids and promote drainage that may also break down the bacterial membranes.

Can you pop a stye?

Because a stye may sometimes be similar in appearance to a pimple, it should not be touched repeatedly or popped. Popping a stye can be very painful, leading to worsening of infection and recurrence or scarring.

How long does it take for a stye to go away?

A hordeolum may resolve in a few days, while a chalazion may take months. Both types of styes should resolve completely once the plugged gland drains. If an infection sets in, treatment will be necessary.

Recurrence is likely if chronic underlying conditions aren't addressed. In the case of meibomitis, your eye doctor will likely recommend daily cleansing of the eyelids and eyelashes with a gentle soap (such as baby shampoo). Increased intake of omega-3 fatty acids in the diet or from supplements may also help improve the flow of sebum. Small doses of oral doxycycline are prescribed for acne rosacea and meibomitis in some patients.

Why is there still a bump after a stye?

If your stye hasn't completely healed, a bump may remain due to the buildup of scar tissue that forms in response to the inflammation. The bump is generally harmless and rarely affects vision.

Other causes of a bump even after a stye is gone include:

  • Reinfection
  • Reaction to medications applied (granuloma)
  • Foreign body at the site of a stye (cotton fibers used to clean the eye)

What are complications of styes?

When a sty or chalazion clears on its own, there are rare complications.

The steroid injection carries the complication of possible scarring of the lid, discoloration (depigmentation) of the overlying skin, infection, bleeding or bruising, and in extremely rare situations, blindness if the steroid is injected improperly.

Incision and drainage of a chalazion carry a risk of scarring or deformity of the eyelid, bleeding, or bruising.

If a sty or chalazion becomes infected, the infection can spread to the eye (conjunctivitis or corneal keratitis), skin (cellulitis), or orbit (orbital cellulitis). Prompt treatment for these complications is extremely important, and your ophthalmologist will prescribe the appropriate antibiotics when indicated.

Very rarely, a chronic, recurring chalazion is a sign of cancer in the eyelid. An ophthalmologist will look for signs of malignancy and obtain a biopsy of one that is suspected.

Can you prevent styes?

The best prevention is to keep the eyelids and eyelashes clean. This can be done with daily diluted baby shampoo lid scrubs while in the shower or the use of eyelid cleansing pads available at drug stores. Many people benefit from daily warm compresses.

A diet high in omega-3 fatty acids (for example, fish or flaxseeds) and vegetables is believed to have an anti-inflammatory effect and is associated with the improvement of meibomian gland function and better eye health in general.

Ask your ophthalmologist for advice about the use of preventative antibiotics. For example, in adults with chronic recurring chalazia, low-dose oral doxycycline may help meibomian gland dysfunction, but doxycycline should be avoided in children and women of childbearing age.

A device undergoing clinical trials that warms the lids and expresses thickened oils may also help alleviate chronically clogged oil glands.

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Medically Reviewed on 12/11/2023
Ben Simon, G.J., et al. "Intralesional triamcinolone acetonide injection versus incision and curettage for primary chalazia: a prospective, randomized study." American Journal of Ophthalmology 151.4 (2011): 714-718.

Geerling, Gerd, et al. "The International Workshop on Meibomian Gland Dysfunction: Report of the Subcommittee on Management and Treatment of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction." Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 52.4 Mar. 2011: 2050-2064.

Stye (Definition, Causes, Pictures, and Treatment):

Chalazion. Cleveland Clinic:

Whitney Seltman. Eyelid Bump. WebMD:

Chalazion. American Optometric Association:

WebMD. Chalazion.

American Academy of Ophthalmology. Are styes in the eye contagious?

Cleveland Clinic. Stye.

Cleveland Clinic. Styes — How to Treat Them, How to Avoid Them.